Diet in healthy people

How we should eat if we are quite healthy

Diet for health and Qi balance

Whether we are healthy or sick is influenced by the quality and strength of the essence inherited from our ancestors, the quality of the food and air we breathe, and the strength of the organs that convert food and air into Qi and blood. A proper diet can contribute greatly to maintaining and strengthening our health. According to Chinese medicine, the Spleen is the most vital organ responsible for converting food into Qi and blood.

Functions of the Spleen according to TCM

The spleen is a key organ in Traditional Chinese Medicine for the digestive system and overall health. It is synonymous with digestion. It is responsible for converting food and fluids into Qi and blood, which are essential for all bodily functions. We could say that it is the fuel of our body. The spleen extracts the essence from food, which is then used to create energy and nourish the entire body. Proper function of the Spleen is therefore essential for maintaining good health, strong immunity and overall vitality.


General principles of nutrition in healthy people to strengthen the Spleen

For healthy people, it is recommended to eat adequately, to eat good quality foods and to adapt the diet to the seasons.

  • Eat real food: Eat natural foods and avoid processed foods. Only real foods are able to give your body what it needs. Only real foods contain enough quality Qi.
  • Eat a varied diet: Your diet should be varied and balanced, including complex carbohydrates, quality protein and plenty of vegetables. Eating seasonal and local foods is recommended.
  • Eat cooked foods: Cooked foods, including vegetables, are preferred as they are easier to digest and gentler on the digestive system. Vegetables are generally better cooked than raw. Boiling, stewing and baking are recommended over frying and grilling. It also depends on the season.
  • Eat regularly: Eating regularly at the same time each day helps to harmonize the Spleen Qi. Ideally, one should eat three times a day, avoiding "pecking between meals".
  • Eat moderate portions. Moderate consumption helps to improve digestion and nutrient absorption.
  • Cook and eat mindfully: Preparing food with love and care enhances its beneficial effects. Taking the time to prepare nutritious soups, broths and stews is recommended.
  • Avoid burdensome foods: Foods that make you feel tired, bloated or drained of energy are not good for you. These are all signs that they are weakening you.

Generally recommended foods for strengthening the Spleen

  • Neutral and warm sweet tastes: These include grains like white rice, oats, buckwheat, spelt, and root vegetables like carrots, sweet potatoes, pumpkin.
  • Lightly cooked vegetables: green leafy vegetables and tender vegetables like broccoli and beans that require light cooking.
  • Protein: High quality protein sources such as chicken, beef, lamb, fish such as mackerel and tuna.
  • Spices: small amounts of pungent spices such as onion, garlic, fresh ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg, fennel.

General foods that burden the Spleen

  • Raw and cold foods: Vegetable salads, raw fruits, sprouts and cereal sprouts, tofu.
  • Moisture-producing foods: Ice cream, dairy products (except small amounts of butter and yogurt), sugar, chocolate.
  • Processed foods: Avoid ethers, dyes, preservatives and chemically modified foods. These foods do not bring quality and usable Qi and weaken the Spleen.

Seasonal eating in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)

Seasonal eating is key in TCM for maintaining balance and health. Each season has its own specific energetic qualities that the diet should reflect.

  • Spring. Eating light, fresh spring vegetables such as: radishes, spring onions, lettuce, all types of grains, legumes peas, beans and lentils, herbs such as dandelions, daisies and nettles, and acidic foods that support Liver Qi are recommended.
  • Summer: The goal is to cool the body and promote heart Qi. The diet should be refreshing and hydrating, including melons, cucumbers, tomatoes, seaweed, buckwheat, couscous, sprouts, bulgur, etc. Lightly cooked or briefly cooked foods are preferred.
  • Autumn: Focuses on moistening the Lungs and preparing for the colder months. Eating warmer foods such as soups, stews and root vegetables is recommended. Also, pears, apricots, buckwheat, quinoa, rice, mung beans, spinach, beets, carrots and white savory foods such as radishes, horseradish and leeks.
  • Winter: The goal is to maintain warmth and strengthen kidney Qi. The diet should be rich in nutritious and warming foods such as meat broths, root vegetables, seeds and nuts, legumes and warm spices such as ginger and cinnamon. Long-cooked foods are preferred.

Seasonal TCM eating helps the body adapt to changes in the weather and promotes overall harmony and health.

Clinical notes

By following TCM dietary principles, we can improve our long-term health, increase our resistance to disease and achieve a better quality of life. Diet is the key to harmony of body and mind, and by using it properly we can achieve optimal health and well-being.

Strengthen the Spleen with broths made from meats, vegetables and grains.

Do everything in proportion. The basic word of Chinese medicine is "proportionately". Any extreme is a problem. Don't eat the same foods all the time, eat varied. Do and eat whatever you want, but in moderation.

Practical tips

  • Food consumption: The digestion process starts in the mouth, so you need to eat food thoroughly. Eat slowly and calmly, pay attention to your food and enjoy it.
  • Physical activity: Sufficient but not exhausting exercise is important. Excessive sitting and thinking is bad for the spleen, so it is advisable to combine sedentary work with physical activity.
  • - Rest and sleep: It is important not only to move but also to rest adequately. Try to get as much sleep as possible before midnight. Go to bed at the same time and wind down your activities in the evening.
  • Control your emotions: Emotions help to harmonise imbalances in the body. Problems arise when they are excessive, prolonged or repressed. Let them flow freely, observe them, but don't try to tame them too much or give in to them.

Diet is a key element in maintaining health and Qi balance. By following these principles, we can support our overall health and vitality.

Build good relationships, all of the above will not have much effect on your health if you do not build good relationships with the people around you. With your partner, children, parents, relatives, work colleagues and people in your community. And that's the most important rule of all.


Examples of meal plans

Diet plan for strengthening the Spleen:

- Breakfast: Warm porridge with honey and cinnamon.

- Lunch: steamed vegetables with rice and chicken.

- Dinner: Red lentil soup with carrots and ginger.

A menu to balance Yin and Yang:

- Breakfast: Warm jasmine tea with a little honey, whole wheat bread with avocado.

- Lunch: fresh vegetable salad with tofu and sesame seeds.

- Dinner: Steamed fish with root vegetables and potatoes.


Follow the basic principles:

  • Regularity and calmness when eating.
  • A balanced diet.
  • Strengthening the Spleen.
  • Choosing quality food.
  • Preparation of food with regard to energy properties.
  • Adapting the diet to the seasons.
  • Eating slowly and calmly.
  • Regular exercise.
  • Adequate rest.
  • Do everything reasonably.
  • Control your emotions.
  • Build good relationships.