Terms of use of the site

The operator of the website www.mycomedica.cz (hereinafter referred to as the Website) is the company TCM POINT s.r.o., ID No.: 28785517, File No.: C 27282, registered at the Regional Court in Hradec Králové, Registered office: Příčná 1892/4, 110 00 Praha 1, e-mail: info@MycoMedica.cz (hereinafter referred to as the Operator), which is entitled to exercise the property rights to this website in accordance with Act No. 121/2000 Coll., Copyright Act (hereinafter referred to as the Copyright Act). It is prohibited to copy any part of the content, appearance or source or program code of the Website without its prior consent.

The Operator hereby issues the terms and conditions for the use of the Website (hereinafter referred to as the Terms). These Terms apply to all persons who intend to use the Website (hereinafter referred to as Users).

It is prohibited to interfere in any way with the technical substance or content of the Site without the Operator's consent. Only the Operator has the right to decide on the modification, removal or addition of any part of the Site, except for the permitted insertion of User Content.

By uploading User Content (e.g. reviews or photos) to the Site, the User grants the Operator all permissions and authorizations necessary to use the relevant content, respectively. In particular, an unrestricted, non-exclusive license to communicate the content to the public worldwide via the Internet for the entire duration of the proprietary rights to the content, as well as permission to distribute the User's likeness (if the content includes a likeness). The User warrants that he/she is authorized to grant such rights and permissions.

Only Users who have purchased goods on the Site are allowed to post reviews of them (provided via a separate page accessible only to the User). The information provided is published to enhance the credibility of the review. The Site Operator does not supervise the content of the reviews by way of a preliminary check and is only liable for it in cases provided for by law (§ 5 of Act No. 480/2004 Coll.). However, the Operator reserves the right to retrospectively check published reviews and to remove any review for reasons of non-compliance with the law or these Terms and Conditions. The content of the review must not be unlawful or in breach of these Terms and Conditions and must not, inter alia, be contrary to good morals, contain profanity, be offensive, untrue, unintelligible or irrelevant. It must also not intentionally damage the Operator or mislead the consumer. Illegal or otherwise objectionable review content may be reported to the Operator via the contact listed at the beginning of the Terms.
Some of the information published on the Site is taken by the Operator from other sources which it considers to be reliable. Nevertheless, the Operator is in no way responsible for the accuracy and timeliness of all published information, nor for links to third party sites.

All information published on this Site is for informational purposes only and does not constitute professional advice.

These Terms and Conditions may only be amended or supplemented by the Operator. The legal relations that arose between the Operator and the User of this Site prior to the amendment or cancellation of the Terms shall be governed by the wording in force on the date of such relations.

The Terms were published on 25.4.2022 and are valid and effective from that date.