Feeding at humidity and congestion

Feeding at humidity and congestion

If we weaken the Qi of the Spleen by eating (see the section on "Qi Deficiency"), then the Spleen will convert food poorly and produce little Qi and blood, which is the fuel of our body. This leads to fatigue and digestive problems. Another part of the problem is that a weakened Spleen produces excess moisture, which accumulates in the body as pathological dampness and later mucus. This problem can be exacerbated by a weakened Kidney Yang.


Symptoms of dampness and congestion picture

Mucus is an unpleasant pathogen that can be visible or invisible. Visible mucus is usually coughed up or blown out, but invisible mucus causes various blockages in the body. It can close the orifices of the heart, which manifests itself in psychological problems, causing excess fat, nodules and cysts. It is one of the pathogens that slow down and cause stagnation.

Key symptoms of constipation

  • Coughing with easy expectoration
  • Large amounts of white, thin mucus
  • Feeling of pressure in the chest
  • Stomach upset or vomiting of mucus
  • Feeling heavy and tired
  • Dizziness, heavy head, clouded mind
  • Obesity
  • Various asymmetrical pains around the body
  • Gynaecological discharge, infertility, cycle disorders
  • "Manifested" mucus - mucus when congested in the respiratory area, enlarged and palpable formations under the skin or in the body (enlarged nodes, thyroid, lipomas, cysts, tumors, bone growths and disc prolapses)
  • "Unmanifested" mucus - an energetic form that enters pathways and blood vessels and causes obstructions to the flow of vital substances (atherosclerosis, various "unexplained" asymmetrical symptoms)
  • Accumulation of moist mucus in the lungs - chronic bronchitis, emphysema, asthma
  • Mucus in the Stomach area - fullness, lack of appetite, feeling sick or vomiting, morning sickness
  • Feeling of heavy legs or swelling

Symptoms of dampness:

  • Feelings of heaviness
  • Swelling
  • Diarrhea
  • Gynecological discharges
  • Slowed thinking and laziness
  • Edema
  • Fatigue and exhaustion
  • Dull headaches
  • Frequent infections in children
  • Obesity

The organs most affected by dampness and constipation are the Spleen, Lungs and Kidneys, especially their Yang.

Dietary principles for dampness and congestion

General principles

Two things should be considered when treating dampness and constipation:

  • Avoid foods that produce dampness and congestion (dairy products, industrially processed carbohydrates, sweets, and rich foods with artificial additives).
  • Adhere to a diet that promotes high performance of the Spleen and Stomach.

If complete elimination of inappropriate foods is too restrictive, adjustments and combinations can be made. Adding bitter, pungent or drying foods to hearty meals can prevent moisture. Common examples include combining meat with mustard, horseradish and bitter vegetables, using spicy pasta toppings, combining cheese and chutney, sipping wine with meaty dishes, green tea with fried foods and bitter beers.


Recommended foods

  • Bitter and pungent tastes: Buckwheat, barley, corn, rye, sourdough bread, caraway rye bread, oats, lettuce, celery, squash, onions, shallots, garlic, turnips, watercress, adzuki beans, broad beans, radish, extra virgin olive oil, mustard, horseradish, quail meat, clams, lean meat, black andwhite pepper, cloves, cardamom, nutmeg, dill seeds, coriander leaves, oregano, thyme, basil, fresh ginger.

Removing moisture from the body: tearwort (Yi Yi Ren).


  • Wheat, ice cream and dairy products (except small amounts of butter and yogurt), sugar and concentrated sweeteners, fatty meats (especially pork and duck), eggs, tofu, tempeh, soy milk, lard, butter, margarine, chocolate, nuts and seeds (especially peanuts), avocados, raw and dried fruits (especially bananas and tropical fruits), salt, vinegar, beer, deep-frozen foods, chilled foods, cold drinks, eggplant, peppers, all exotic fruits, curcurrants, jujubes, pork, wheat germ and sprouts, mung beans, tomato, cucumber, sorrel, red melon, rhubarb, Hijiki, Kombu, Nori, Wakame, caviar, crab, crayfish, mussels.

Clinical notes

  • Drink 2 glasses of warm boiled water regularly between 3:00 pm and 5:00 pm to support bladder function and remove moisture from the body. You can add 2 slices of raw ginger to the water.
  • Use carbohydrates in moderation as they tend to be sweet and in excessive amounts can create or aggravate dampness. In general, they can make up to 30-40% of the diet, with the best sources being the drier types: rice, rye, barley, buckwheat and oats.
  • A mixture of sweet, bitter and pungent vegetables can make up to 40-50% of the diet. Small amounts of high-value animal protein (~10%) may make up the remainder. Soy protein, especially tofu, can be excessively cooling and moisturizing if consumed in excess. Nuts and seeds should be avoided.


Vegetable broth with celery and parsley to remove constipation and excess water from the body

We need:

  • 1 parsley and the same amount of celery
  • 1 l of water


Peel the celery and parsley, cut into cubes, cover with water, bring to a boil and cook for 30 minutes. Drain the vegetables, discard and drink the decoction in the morning on an empty stomach every day.


If you suffer from heavy feet or swollen feet, use the foot baths. Recommendations can be found for Yangu kidney deficiency. Don't be afraid of exercise, especially one where you engage all four limbs, such as brisk walking, tennis, table tennis, etc.

For women, regular cupping of the areas where water is retained using a rubber bulb is advisable, just 5-10 minutes in the evening after showering. Not only will you get rid of excess water, but your legs, buttocks and tummy will be sculpted, and with regular use you can get rid of cellulite within six months.