Diet in Blood Deficiency (Xue Xu)

Diet in Blood Deficiency (Xue Xu)

What is blood

Blood nourishes and moisturizes our body. It is the material basis for our psyche and spirit. When we have enough blood, we have healthy joints, tendons, and bones, we have no problems with movement, blood nourishes our sensory organs, we have a fresh complexion, we see well, and we have no problems with defecation.

How blood deficiency manifests itself

Blood can be lacking in the body overall or it can be lacking in individual organs, typically the Liver or Heart.

It does not mean that we have less blood than other people, rather it is a certain energetic quality of the blood.

Typical symptoms of total blood deficiency

  • Pale lips
  • Pale, dry and dull skin
  • Heart palpitations
  • Dizziness
  • Blurred vision
  • Dry eyes
  • Lightheadedness
  • Headache
  • Spasms, tingling, tics, twitching
  • Fatigue
  • Hair fall
  • Dry and brittle hair and nails
  • Constipation with dry and cakey stools
  • Menstrual problems - weak menstruation, prolonged cycle
  • May, or may not, be anaemia


Blood deficiency also manifests itself significantly in the psychological area:

  • Insomnia
  • Restlessness
  • Ease of agitation
  • Depression
  • Mental inertia
  • Poor memory

Dietary principles in blood deficiency

General principles

A higher proportion of animal protein and a method of preparation that promotes blood and fluid replenishment are important for strengthening the blood. Intense weight training and strenuous exercise are not appropriate. Vegan or vegetarian diets are also not suitable.

Blood deficiency usually occurs mainly in women. By eating poorly, omitting meat and eggs from their diet, they can cause themselves more serious illnesses and even infertility.

Specific guidelines

Adequate absorption of nutrients directly involved in blood formation is necessary to strengthen the blood. A healthy Spleen is crucial for effective nutrient absorption. Blood formation requires a higher intake of protein, especially animal protein such as chicken and beef. Broths and soups made from organic chicken and beef bones release pure Yin from the bone marrow.

Leafy vegetables rich in chlorophyll, such as spinach, contribute to better iron absorption and blood formation. It is important to limit artificial additives, hormones and excessive salt or sugar in foods.

Diet preparation

We prefer stewing, steaming, boiling in water and blanching. Raw leafy vegetables can be eaten in summer, sprouted legume shoots in winter.

Recommended foods

  • High-value proteins: meat (especially chicken, beef and pork liver), eggs, legumes, black beans.
  • Leafy vegetables: spinach, wheat sprouts, carrots, beets, parsley.
  • Others: molasses, fermented beans, miso, tempeh, seaweed, spirulina, black sesame seeds, lychee, coconuts, rice, red wine, dark beer, vegemite, marmite, cherries, plums, apricots, raisins, pomegranate, rosehip and hibiscus tea.

Liver blood deficiency

  • In addition to the general principles, it is advisable to consume Chinese curcurrant (goji) berries cooked with chicken or in rice porridge.

Prohibited foods

  • Same foods as for spleen Qi insufficiency.
  • In addition, bitter, sour, salty and spicy/hot foods, refined sugars, chemical additives, hormones.


Clinical notes

Basically the same as Spleen Qi Deficiency.

Proportional food composition in blood deficiency

The basis of a diet aimed at strengthening the hematopoietic system is a green mass of leafy vegetables (30-40%) and high-value animal protein (20-30%), together with complex carbohydrates (30-40%). With blood supplementation, the proportions of each component can be brought closer to the values prescribed for overall spleen strengthening.

Praise for broths

Meat broths are one of the best ways to replenish blood according to traditional Chinese medicine. Not only will they help replenish the blood, but they also won't put a strain on the body like meat alone can. Broths have the ability to boost blood, energy and the immune system.

Preparation and selection of ingredients

For best effects, it is ideal to use bones in addition to quality meat, preferably with turkey. Bone marrow contains nutrients that support bone and joint health. The most commonly prepared broths are beef, chicken or chicken. Carrot bones help to mine Jing kidney essence in addition to blood.

Technique of steaming

It is important to strain the broth, which means to cook it over a low flame for many hours. This process allows all the important nutrients from the meat and bones to be extracted into the broth. Slow-cooked broth is rich in collagen, minerals and other beneficial substances.

Consuming the broth

You can store the broth in the refrigerator and have about 2 dl of warmed broth every day. Consuming a small amount of broth regularly can help keep the body in balance and promote overall health. The broth can also be used as a base for soups. One excellent option is Vietnamese Pho Bo soup, which combines a strong broth with rice noodles, herbs and beef.

Other interesting information

In traditional Chinese medicine, broths are often recommended for people after illness or surgery because they promote faster recovery of the body. Broths can also be helpful in relieving inflammation and promoting healthy digestion.