Mycomedica hory
Agarikon_detail s razitkem

Agarikon (verpáník lékařský) je houba, která se v léčitelství používá v Evropě již od dob Antiky. Jeho využití tehdy zdokumentoval již lékař Neronovy armády Dioscorides v roce 65 našeho letopočtu. 

Na těchto stránkách se o účincích Agarikonu příliš nedozvíte.
Proč je 30 % polysacharidů u našeho Agarikonu optimální koncentrace? Vysvětlení najdete zde.
Veškerou houbovou surovinu si necháváme testovat v německé nezávislé laboratoři Agrolab na více jak 500 druhů známých těžkých kovů, pesticidů a člověku nebezpečných mikroorganismů. Testujeme také PAHs a radioaktivitu. Testujeme každou šarži. Takto obsáhlé testy žádný jiný výrobce v Čechách nenabízí (pokud říká, že ano, vyžádejte si je). A u hub jsou takovéto testy velmi důležité. Testy si můžete prohlédnout zdezde a zde.
You can also order our products by phone from 7.00 am to 3.00 pm +420 739 454 915.

30,90 €
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30,90 €
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Verpáník lékařský (Laricifomes officinalis, Agarikon, Quinine conk) je chorošovitá dřevokazná houba, která roste na severní polokouli, a to hlavně ve vyšších oblastech Evropy (např. v Alpách, Karpatech), Rusku, Kanadě, Asii atd. Napadá hlavně modříny a vytváří vytrvalé plodnice, které mohou být i více než 60 cm dlouhé. Tvarem připomínají kopyto nebo sloup. Zprvu jsou žlutě bílé a měkké, ale s přibývajícími roky tmavnou (bývají žlutohnědé) a tvrdnou. Houba není jedovatá, ale vzhledem ke své konzistenci a chuti, která je poměrně hořká, se nevyužívá v kuchyni, pouze jako prostředek tradičního léčitelství. Anglický název je odvozen právě od hořké chuti, lidé si totiž mysleli, že obsahuje chinin. Verpáník se může sušit a drtit na prášek, používat kousky na odvary a čaje atd. V tradičních medicínách je využívám tisíciletí, byl nalezen také u mumie staré 5000 let, která byla uchována v ledu.
Více informací najdete ve veřejně dostupných zdrojích na internetu.
Obsah balení: 90 kapslí á 500mg extraktu - v rostlinných kapslích (rostlinné jsou vhodné i pro vegany)
Hmotnost obsahu netto: 53g
Složení v 1 kapsli:
verpáník lékařský, Laricifomes officinalis, extrakt z plodnice min. 30 % polysacharidů  – 500mg
Pomocné látky: bez pomocných látek, aditiv a konzervantů
Více informací najdete v Houbáři nebo v sekci Účinky.


  • for health problems: 4–10 capsules per day (we recommend consulting your doctor or Chinese medicine practitioner)
  • for preventive use: 1–3 capsules per day 
  • we recommend using it for 5 days a week and then skipping 2 days
  • take the capsules on an empty stomach (at least 30 minutes before meals or 60 minutes after meals), wash them down with water or weak green tea
  • when using medicinal mushrooms, we recommend increasing the intake of vitamin C, which increases the absorption of active substances. For example, in the form of a Barbados cherry extract Acerola.
Warning: The product isn’t intended for children under 3 years of age, for pregnant women or breast-feeding women. Do not exceed the recommended daily dosage. Keep out of reach of children. The product isn’t intended to replace a varied and balanced diet. It doesn’t contain any ephedrine, caffeine, gluten, preservatives, dyes or sugar.

Products on this site are dietary supplements. These products are not medicines and they can’t be used to replace prescription drugs. You can also use our Advisory centre.



The foundations of MycoMedica stand on the following strong pillars:




Emphasis on the environment

Most of our raw mushroom material comes from China. Ecology isn’t often a priority for contemporary China. Therefore, it’s difficult, but at the same time necessary to seek absolutely pure nature untouched by industry for cultivation of medicinal mushrooms. MycoMedica mainly uses mushrooms grown in in the Fujian, Anhui and Jiangxi provinces, where there are areas virtually untouched by civilisation. Pesticides, heavy metals, microorganisms, moulds, radioactivity are a danger, which raw mushroom material must be protected against unconditionally.


Testing in Agrolab 

All the raw mushroom material we use to produce our mushroom products is tested before processing in  Agrolab, an independent German laboratory for more than 500 types of known heavy metals, pesticides and microorganisms that are harmful to humans. We are able to present these tests on request.

Classic tests conducted by the German lab. Agrolab have now been expanded with testing forpolycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), which have carcinogenic effects, which can affect fetal development and are also linked to cardiovascular diseases. See here. 

The final production of our products takes place under the strictest hygienic conditions in the Czech Republic. For our production, we use the standards ISO 9001/2009, certified HACCP and the system of quality IFS.


What more does MycoMedica offer?

We also offer free advisory services for our products.

When your order is over 2,000 CZ, shipping is free.

For larger orders, we have discounts:

  • when buying over 4,000 CZK, you receive an immediate discount of 5% from the total purchase (not applicable to wholesale)
  • when buying over 8,000 CZK, you receive an immediate discount of 10% from the total purchase (not applicable to wholesale)


Regular training

We train experts in mycotherapy, who can use our mushrooms effectively in their practice. We also hold international seminars on medicinal mushrooms, these are attended by leading experts on this issue.


How to choose the right product from medicinal mushrooms?

Powder or extract?

If we want to use as many active substances as possible from mushrooms, we must process them allowing them to disrupt the chitinous envelope of the mushroom cell. Humans don’t have the necessary enzymes to digest chitin, so they’re unable to release active substances from the mushroom cell wall during digestion and instead they excrete them from their organism.


Processing options:

a) decoctions

It’s possible to produce a decoction from dried mushrooms. However, this traditional method requires a large number of mushrooms to achieve therapeutic effects.


b) mushroom powder or biomass

Dried mushrooms are ground to a very fine powder. This partially disturbs the chitin envelope and the body is then able to extract active substances from the mushroom.


c) extracts 

We can break the chitin barrier using gentle extraction with hot water and extract the maximum  amount of active substances from the mushroom. In the case of most kinds of mushrooms, it’s also necessary to perform condensation using ethanol at the end of the extraction process (the so-calleddouble extraction ), as some active substances are water insoluble.


Extraction is the most optimal method for processing mushrooms for medical purposes. This is why the overwhelming majority of medical studies are conducted with extracts and not with mushroom powder.

The main, although not the only active substances of medicinal mushrooms are polysaccharides (mainly β-(1, 3)-D-glucans). While dried powder contains about 0.5‒3% polysaccharides, our extracts contain 30%.

Another good argument for the use of MycoMedica mushrooms is that a great many doctors and Chinese medicine practitioners are working with our products and they’ve had only the best experience with them. Seehere.

We also use MycoMedica products in our doctor’s office, so we have everyday feedback on their beneficial effects.


What to look for when choosing

Some companies use entirely common raw mushroom material for processing, in order to achieve a higher percentage of polysaccharide content. Common labs won’t recognise the difference. However, this raw material has minimal therapeutic effects. If indeed, it has any at all. Together with our German colleagues, we have been testing all raw mushroom material, so that it contains only high-quality mushroom polysacharides..

Some Chinese companies, in order to achieve microbiological purity of extracts, expose mushrooms to the effects of radioactive radiation, which destroys microorganisms. We emphasise that MycoMedica products aren’t exposed to radiation in in any phase of production.


Verified raw materials

Some Chinese manufacturers don’t respect traditional manufacturing practices. For example, mushroom drying must be done slowly and in sunshine. This is why it’s so important for us to cooperate only with proven growers and processors of raw mushroom material. We don’t use any unverified raw material in our products.


We don’t take our motto QUALITY - SAFETY - EFFICIENCY lightly. Thanks to this, we have gradually become the most important East European producer of products from medicinal mushrooms.

Where you can buy our products

Extensive network of distributors throughout the Czech Republic

Simply check with the nearest reseller, distributor, or pharmacy with our products.