Summer. Time for short skirts, swimming, sunbathing and flowing long hair. Shiny, nourished and strong hair. Isn't that your case? Maybe not now, but we know the way to get that hair. We'll give you tips on how to care for your hair during the summer, what to do to make sure your hair is the first thing others notice.

Start by nourishing from within

Many factors affect the quality of your hair and scalp. First and foremost is genetics, which we can't do much about, but there are other things we can influence. Lifestyle, dietary variety, quality of grooming, the amount of stress experienced, and the quality of sleep and rest.

According to traditional Chinese medicine, the quality and shine of hair is related to the so-called deficiency of Gan Xue (Liver blood). "Blood deficiency" is a specific Chinese term. People with Xue (blood) deficiency may or may not have anemia. It's not the same thing. According to Chinese medicine, Xue nourishes the hair. If it is brittle, dry, brittle, it is often a deficiency of Xue (blood) and needs to be replenished. How? With herbs. Like rehmannia or angelica or vitalmi mushrooms. Or a special MycoHair herbal mushroom blend and a diet that favours foods that promote Xue (blood) production.

The picture of Xue (blood) deficiency is mainly suffered by women (due to childbirth and menstruation) and also vegetarians. A typical example is the woman after childbirth, when in a certain month the hair starts to lose its quality to a greater extent.

The MycoHair blend contains herbs that nourish the Liver and Kidneys. The imperial herb of MycoHair, is the root of many-flowered yarrow (He Shou Wu). Fenugreek root promotes hair strength and quality. Translated, it means "Mr. Wu's hair-lightening herb". Its main effects include strengthening Shen Jing (Kidney essence) and Gan Xue (Liver blood). Which is mainly used to support and nourish the hair. Another herb in the blend , Sticky Rehmannia (Shu Di Huang) enhances the effect of rdesna in nourishing the hair. The other herbs also nourish Gan (Liver) and Shen (Kidney) in cooperation with rdesna. The blend also contains vital Reishimushroom , which greatly supports the nourishment of Xue (blood) andPolyporus mushroom containing biotin, which according to orthomolecular medicine supports the quality and shine of hair.

Even hair needs its relaxation

Don't forget to give your hair a rest during the summer months. This is because they are under increased strain from sweat, sunlight, chlorinated and salt water, cold air from air conditioning, etc. During the summer, keep burdensome styling and heat treatments to a minimum and instead add moisture to your hair and protect it with UV barrier friendly products.

Take a moment for yourself and try a hydrating hair wrap with our moisturizing hair mask. After washing your hair with a moisturizing shampoo, gently towel dry your hair. Ideally, use a soft microfiber, muslin or fine cotton towel that won't damage your hair. Then apply a mask to the lengths of the hair. Comb through the hair and wrap in a warm towel. Leave the mask on for at least 30 minutes and then rinse thoroughly.


Reach for natural care

Herbs can literally work wonders. If you combine them correctly and add extracts from vitalch mushrooms, you can positively support the quality of your hair in a purely natural way. There are several natural ingredients that will literally saturate your hair with much-needed hydration. Which ones are they?

Learn to live in balance

The basic idea of traditional Chinese medicine is to seek and maintain a delicate balance between the two fundamental natural forces of Yin and Yang. The Yin force and the Yang force are two connected parts of a whole, two opposing and complementary forces that are found in everything around us. They are in constant motion. One force takes over the other and vice versa. An endless cycle. The alternation of day and night. The changing of the seasons.

To be healthy and vital, you should live in harmony and maintain this delicate balance of Yin and Yang. Any extreme or one-sided behavior upsets this balance. And this is reflected not only in the condition of the internal organs and physiological processes of the body, but also in the condition and quality of the skin and hair.

Love your hair

Having beautiful and healthy hair in summer means giving it attention and love. Yes, it sounds a bit like a cliché, but it is true. The more you love your hair, and yourself in general, the better and gentler the care it will receive. And soon enough, you'll notice the change when you look in the mirror.