I would like to thank Mr Schirlo for his advice on mushrooms. I was very exhausted and stressed from work. Over two months I took Cordyceps and Reishi mushrooms. The fatigue is 90% better. And my other minor problems have cleared up...
Although I'm only 32 years old, I suffered from erection problems and loss of sexual appetite. After deploying Cordyceps and MycoStress, the situation changed completely after about 3 months. Much to the satisfaction of my wife 😊
My chronic bladder inflammation completely disappeared after using Cordyceps CS-4 and Coriolus for 6 months. And I'm not so chilly anymore. I dont have cold feet and hands. And this always bothered me.
I use Mycomedica mushrooms on Raynaud's syndrome (I still have hands as cold as marble). Ive been using Cordyceps and Auricularia for around three months and the problems are much better. Mr. Schirlo always asks how many%? So about 80%.
I use Cordyceps CS-4 for my incontinence problem and frequent urination. I take a dose of 2 capsules at noon and 2 capsules in the morning. Ive been using it for 6 months and Ive seen a significant improvement.
I take Cordyceps and Reishi to support my psyche, fatigue and irregular menstrual cycle. Ive been taking this combination for about six months in a dose of 2 Cordycep capsules in the morning and 2 Reishi capsules in the evening. The cycle is almost regular. I'm only really tired after being at work. Even my mood have improved.
I'm writing a review on your Cordyceps mainly to get the vitamin C that you promise to everyone who shares their experience... This is a joke Ive been using the Cordyceps diet supplement for some time for what could be called burnout syndrome. My colleagues recommended them and I am extremely satisfied. I have a lot more energy and a desire to do new things. I'm a little afraid of becoming addicted to it. Joke 😊 Thank you very much for the good work you are doing.
I recommend Cordyceps for incontinence problems, this problem has plagued me for several years. The status is diminishing.
You have beautiful videos about mushrooms, the Fox is really funny. Do you have foxes on offer? 😊 Ive been using Reishi, Agaricus and Cordyceps for months to strengthen my immune system and for fatigue and hair loss. Everything has improved, and I've tried plenty of other things.
Ive been using Cordyceps from MycoMedic for just 2 months, and now I feel its effects. I have a lot more energy. And mainly, my libido has strengthened ... That was the main reason I tried Cordyceps.
I was very exhausted after childbirth. According to my Chinese medicine therapist I have drained yang kidney and little blood. He recommended Cordyceps and Reishi from MycoMedica. I felt better after a few days. Today, after using for about three months, I feel almost like in pre-natal, full of strength and energy. Thank you.
A friend who also has to deal with prostate problems recommended Cordyceps. After consulting Mr. Schirlo, he advised me to use it together with the Maitake's mushroom. I dont go to the toilet so often, I sleep all night, and I also have a lot more energy.
I have frequent bladder inflammation. Mr. Schirlo explained to me that I had a weakened kidney (thats Chinese kidneys as he wrote) and he recommended that I use Cordyceps. Although we address this problem practically every two months with antibiotics, Ive had peace for half a year now. He also advised me to make some changes in my diet. Many thanks.
I work as a multi-national company director. After a hectic period at work, I was completely exhausted, and practically unable to get to work or home, I was unable to do anything, I had no desire to do anything new. Exhaustion wasnt just on a physical level but also on a psychological level. Exactly how burnout syndrome is described. I tried to use the Cordyceps medicinal mushroom. I experienced the onset of the effects within two weeks. Ive been using it for almost half a year and I feel very good.
I bought Cordyceps MycoMedica for my mother who has long-term problems with her heart and breathing. They feel much better now. So well continue to use it.
I wont let go of Cordyceps, I swear by it. I always use it before winter and during winter, because I suffer from inflammation of the sinuses. I started to enjoy it last winter. There was a slight improvement, then I started again last September and this winter and Ive not once had inflammation of the sinuses. Thanks to you.
My son was often sick as a baby. He caught every bacillus or virus around him. He's taking his Cordyceps bark several times a year, and now illness passes him by.
I was afraid of long-term incontinence. I also urinated a lot and was very tired. All of these symptoms virtually disappeared after six months using Cordyceps. I took 2 capsules in the morning. I always use for 5 days a week then take a break for 2 days.
I had cold legs and was also very chilly. I've been using Cordyceps for 3 months and now it's a lot better. I dont get frozen feet anymore, and I dont need the toilet so often.
I started to use Cordyceps from MycoMedica in preparation for the Czech Marathon Championship in skymarathon, mainly to boost my immune system and minimise the possibility of breaking down in training. Cordyceps also helps me to shorten the regeneration phase after carrying out challenging trainings and therefore improves my overall performance ... So Cordyceps should surely be awarded the silver medal I brought home from the championship ...
I dedicate myself to top cycling, and Cordyceps along with Coriolus (sometimes I add Reishi) help me to increase performance and shorten the regeneration phase after races. Ive used the mushrooms for a long time at lower doses and I always increase the dose before races.