Rabbit syrup

Recurrent diseases in children


Digestion, respiration, detox, acute attack, hidden pathogen, fatigue, psyche, nerves, insomnia, senses, urology, metabolism, immunity, oncology, prevention, anti-aging, Liver system, Spleen system, Lung system.

Recipe use according to Traditional Chinese Medicine:


Hare syrup is good for all lingering and recurring illnesses, especially in the head and neck area. These are typically recurrent otitis media, laryngitis, as well as psychological complaints that Western medicine cannot cope with.

It is based on a mixture of Xiao Chai Hu Tang, designed to treat the so-called shaoyang symptoms, which include hidden pathogens. The Shaoyang pathway of the Gallbladder affects the head, joints and digestion. Diseases affecting it are neither internal nor external and often take the form of a so-called hidden pathogen. This is a situation where the defensive Qi is not strong enough and cannot remove the harmful substance. This manifests as sudden onset of superficial pain, often accompanied by inflammation. It tends to move from place to place and cause harm when we are weakened. It's like a saboteur, stealing our energy and blood.

As children grow and yang Qi predominates, the hidden pathogen manifests itself most often as recurrent otitis media and throat infections. Therefore, we have added herbs such as cream and honeysuckle, which remove the poisonousness, and dahuric angelica, which directs the action of the blend to the head. The vital Chaga mushroom has powerful detoxifying effects and, together with Ginseng, supports the defensive Qi.

The blend can also be used in acute conditions in very weakened children to prevent the development of a hidden pathogen.


Modern uses:





Prescription Ingredients:

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Chai Hu

Chinese creeper, root

Rad. bupleuri


Huang Qin

Baikal coneflower, root

Rad. scutellariae

Yu Bai Fu

Typhonia major, tuber

Rhiz. typhonii

Sheng Shai

Ren Shen

Ginseng, root

Rad. ginseng

Shi Chang Pu

Ginseng, tuber

Rhiz. acori

Bai Zhi

Dahurian angelica, root

Rad. angelicae dahuricae


Gan Cao

Liquorice, root

Rad. glycyrrhizae

Pu Gong Ying

Mongolian cream, inflorescence

Herb. taraxaci

Jin Yin Hua

Japanese honeysuckle, flower

Flos lonicerae


Clinker polypore

Inonotus obliquus