
Latin: Hericium erinaceus

Czech: coral coral

Chinese: Hou Tou Gu 猴头菇

Japanese: Yamabushitake

Thevital mushroom Hericium was known mainly in the Orient and Japan. In China, it was called "monkey head". It was also used by the Indians of North America.

The fruiting bodies resemble lion's mane or sea coral. It is a saprophyte, i.e. it draws nutrients from the host without killing it. It produces fruiting bodies on the trunks of injured or dead trees. These are spherical in shape, 7 to 15 cm in diameter. It has soft spines (spines) which form a 'lion's mane' that can enlarge the fruiting body up to 40 cm. It grows in Asia, Europe and North America.

It is rare in the wild and protected in this country. It can be grown commercially for both medicinal and culinary purposes. The mushroom has a sweet, very mild taste.

Hericium entered natural history books in the 18th century thanks to J. B. F. Bullliard, while its current name is due to Ch. H. Persoon, who renamed it Hericium erinaceus in 1797.

Hericium has been the subject of many studies investigating the effect of Hericium (mainly its phytosterol component erinacin) on its ability to stimulate NGF (nerve growth factor) production. NGF is a protein that stimulates the growth and differentiation of nerve cells. It is essential for the regeneration of damaged neurons in brain tissue (e.g. in Alzheimer's disease). Low levels of NGF have an effect on the onset of Alzheimer's disease or dementia. According to recent research, it also improves survival in people after a heart attack. It reduces the risk of heart failure.

Characteristics according to traditional Chinese medicine

Nature: neutral

Taste: sweet, bland

Tropism: Spleen, Stomach, Heart (some sources also mention Liver and Kidney)

Main effects according to Traditional Chinese Medicine:

When do we use Enoki Vital Mushroom to maintain or improve health?

1) Regulating and strengthening digestion


The most common problem of the Stomach is a pathology called Heat in the Stomach. The cause is overeating, eating between meals, fatty, fried, spicy food and alcohol. Another possible cause is heat from the liver, arising from emotional stress!

2) Regeneration of mucous membranes

3) Helicobacter pylori

4) Somatization of stresses manifested in the stomach area

5) Neurological and psychological problems

6) Immunomodulatory and anticancer effects

Less common use of Hericium in clinical practice:

What to remember:

Hericium strengthens the stomach and improves digestion and mental health. Strengthens brain function, calms and regenerates nerves.