The Jade Veil Tincture clears acute invasion of Feng Re (wind heat) into the body, opens the nasal passages, clears Shi Re (damp heat), strengthens Fei Qi (Qi Plic energy), drains Tan (phlegm). This makes it especially suitable in the spring season when everything is in bloom. Thanks to angelica, it supports the normal functions of the respiratory system.
Jade Veil Tincture is based on the traditional Chinese medicine recipe Te Xiao Bi Min Gan Wan.
We use the finest herbs and mushrooms harvested from where they have made their home for millions of years as the base for YaoMedica alcohol tinctures. In the pristine nature of the Chinese highlands. This makes them full of energy that flows to you when you take the products.
The herbs and mushrooms are first ground into a very fine powder on a special machine and then rested in 50% alcohol for a month. This is called maceration.
The macerate is stirred and dynamized every day to extract as many active ingredients as possible from the herbs and mushrooms and to blend all the ingredients beautifully. Finally, we bottle the tinctures for you.
We don't dilute the finished tinctures in any way so that they retain all their potency. This is something that definitely sets us apart from the competition.
Why do we macerate and not just make herbal decoctions or extracts in hot water? During maceration, the herbs and mushrooms release far more beneficial substances. The alcohol also gives the herbs a very strong dynamic, intensifying their effect. The effect is enhanced by the fact that the tincture is swallowed straight away and all the active ingredients are released into the body in the mouth.
YaoMedica tincture recipes are based on the experience and proven practices of traditional Chinese medicine, which has been around for more than 4,000 years. Chinese medicine sees man and his body as a whole, and at the same time understands it as part of the environment. Balance and harmony are the keys to dealing with the difficulties that our current lifestyle puts in our way. These help you to solve problems both on the level of the physical body and the psyche.
Cang Er Zi - Siberian cress, fruit - Fruc. xanthii - 4,2g
Xin Yi Hua - Shacholan, buds - Flos magnoliae - 5,6g
Bai Zhi - Dahurian angelica, root - Rad. angelicae dahuricae - 4,2g
Lian Qiao - goldenrod, fruit - Fruc. forsythiae - 4,2g
Jin Yin Hua - Japanese honeysuckle, flower - Flos lonicerae - 4,2g
Gao Ben - Chinese dill, rhiz. et rad. ligustici - 2,8g
Pu Gong Ying - Mongolian cream, inflorescence - Herb. taraxaci - 4,2g
Chuan Xiong - Wallich's dill, rhizome - Rhiz. ligustici - 1,9g
Man Jing Zi - Round-leaved gourd, fruit - Fruc. viticis - 2,8g
Huo Xiang - Agastache wrinkled, stem - Herb. agastachis - 4.2g
water, alcohol
Approved health claims under current EU regulations:
Angelica officinalis (Archangelica officinalis)
Chicory (Magnolia officinalis rehder)
More information can be found in publicly available sources such as the internet.
Not sure how to use our products? Please contact our Expert Advice Service.
Our therapists will be happy to help you.
Normal dose
The daily dose is 1 drop per 1 kg of body weight. Divide the daily dose into two parts, morning and evening. I.e. if you weigh 70 kg, you take 35 drops in the morning and 35 drops in the evening. Then the tincture will last you about 15 days.
Increased dose
In acute conditions, up to three times the dose can be given.
Package contents: 50ml = 1100 drops
The mixture is based on the Chinese recipe Te Xiao Bi Min Gan Wan
Please note: Not for use by children, pregnant or breastfeeding women. It is not a substitute for a varied and balanced diet. It is not intended to be a healthy diet or a balanced diet. Do not exceed the recommended daily dosage. Store out of reach of children at room temperature. Contains no additives. Any cloudiness or clotting is not a problem.
Objednala jsem na základě informací z Cesty želvy. I jako poučený laik jsem ovšem dost podle toho popisu netrefila, na co směsi jsou. Takže je mám doma pro případ, že nás přepadne rýma, ale na původní obtíže jsem zakoupila jiné (jinde). Proto čtyři hvězdičky. Bylinky jsou jinak prima (i když samozřejmě nakládání do lihu je jen jedna z cest) a dynamizace je skvělý nápad!
Dobré produkty
přípravky opravdu fungují,doporučuji
Ráda bych poděkovala Mgr. Michaele Gaydošové, která mi doporučila přírodní doplňky dle mého zdravotního dotazníku. Moc jsem si od toho neslibovala, ale proč to nezkusit. Po třech letech anémie, kdy sotva vylezete schody a lékaři neví proč, tak zkusíte všechno. Po třech dnech užívání houbiček jsem začala pociťovat, že se mi zase vrací energie. Nyní mám zpět takovou energii, jakou jsem neměla už hodně let. Další věc je, že nemusím na operaci vyjmutí dělohy... Zkrátka zázrak :) Moc děkuju
Advice only works on MycoMedica and YaoMedica products
The world of Traditional Chinese Medicine looks at the body very differently than our Western medicine. Therefore, it can sometimes be difficult for you to find your way around and choose the right product - the right vital mushroom or herbal blend.
That's why we, Misha and Lenka - traditional Chinese medicine therapists - are here to recommend the best for you in our online consultation. We have been dealing with vital mushrooms and herbs for many years, using them daily in our own practices, so we know exactly how they work and when they help.