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How to strengthen the immunity of children according to traditional Chinese medicine

Children's immunity. This is a topic that every mom would like to have in her little finger. Although it is often talked about, there is one perspective that still remains in the background. It is the view of traditional Chinese medicine. It approaches children's immunity in a way that is close to many mums' hearts. It focuses on prevention itself.

Children's immune systems are fragile and sensitive and therefore require special care. Traditional Chinese medicine offers a holistic approach to boosting immunity that includes not only the use of specific herbal mixtures and vital mushrooms, but also diet and lifestyle modification. This article should inspire you to use traditional Chinese medicine to effectively strengthen your children's immunity.

The organism and immunity of young children

The organism and immunity of young children differ significantly from adults. Chinese doctors call children "little people" and use quite different methods to treat them compared to adults.
Children are born with internal organs and acupuncture pathways that are not fully developed. This development is gradual, which makes children more susceptible to external pathogens. Also, the digestive system of children is less developed and more sensitive than that of adults.

An old Chinese medical book says: "Children do not have external defenses in place, so external evil can easily enter the body and attack the lungs." By external evil we mean "external pathogens" such as wind, cold, heat, damp (we nowadays say viruses, bacteria, chlamydia, etc.).

This is why so many children so often suffer from respiratory problems such as coughs, runny noses, congestion, allergies or asthma. This is because young children do not have a fully developed respiratory system and are more susceptible to the invasion of pathogens that attack the respiratory system.



Weakened Qi Energy of the Spleen

The second cause of weakened immunity is weakened Qi energy of the Spleen (the Spleen in TCM is not just a small organ in the left subcostal region, but basically the whole digestive system). This is why Chinese medicine places great emphasis on diet, on careful selection of foods that support the health of the Spleen.

  • The basis of the diet should consist of complex carbohydrates supplemented with small amounts of high-value protein and servings of lightly cooked vegetables. Even children need a diet that is fresh and tasty; local foods are highly recommended. Most foods just need to be lightly cooked to keep the food crunchy. 
  • Digestion starts in the mouth, so it is a good idea to teach children to chew their food thoroughly first and enjoy every bite.
  • It is extremely important to avoid food additives, ethers, dyes and other chemical additives.
  • Children should eat regularly at the same times, ideally 4-5 times a day. Regularity in general is important in all aspects of a child's life. 
  • Children should not overeat - it puts a strain on their digestive system. But they should also not eat too little so that the Spleen has something to produce Qi energy from. Both problems, overeating or not wanting to eat, are often.

Choose foods that strengthen the Spleen

Foods of neutral or warm sweet taste: White rice, rice porridge (congee), oats, roasted barley, sweet rice, spelt, pumpkin, sweet potato, celery, pumpkin, carrots, corn, parsnips, chickpeas, black beans, sweet potatoes, yams, peas, walnuts, compote, chicken, beef, lamb, liver, kidney beans, mackerel, tuna, anchovies.

Potraviny které dávejte v malém množství

Ostré chutě: cibule, pórek, česnek, vodnice, paprika, čerstvý zázvor, skořice, muškátový oříšek, fenykl.

Složité sladké chutě: melasa, datle, rýžový sirup, ječný slad, palmový cukr.

Potraviny, kterým je dobré se vyhnout

Nevařeným a syrovým potravinám chladné povahy: saláty, syrové ovoce (včetně džusů, zvláště z citrusů), pšenice, klíčky a obilné výhonky, syrová zelenina, rajčata, špenát, mangold, římský špenát, tofu, chaluhy, sůl, příliš mnoho sladkých jídel a koncentrovaných sladidel, hnědá rýže, antibiotika, vitamín C (ve větším množství než 1-2 gramy denně).

Potravinám produkujícím nadměrnou vlhkost: zmrzlina a mléčné výrobky (kromě malého množství másla a jogurtu), cukr, čokoláda, ořechy a semínka (s výjimkou vlašských ořechů), ořechová másla.




Důležité je přizpůsobit stravování ročnímu období. V zimě jíst spíše teplá jídla, ale ne velké množství. V létě můžeme jíst více ovoce a dávat si pozor na hutná těžká jídla.

Dalším klíčovým faktorem pro dobrou imunitu je pohyb a odpočinek. Tělesná aktivita zlepšuje cirkulaci krve a podporuje produkci imunitních buněk. Pravidelný pohyb také zlepšuje náladu a snižuje stres, což může také pozitivně ovlivnit imunitní reakce. A dostatek kvalitního spánku a odpočinku je nezbytný pro regeneraci těla a obnovu energie, což je rovněž důležité pro správné fungování imunitního systému. Kombinace pravidelné fyzické aktivity a dostatečného odpočinku vytváří ideální podmínky pro udržení zdraví a silné imunity dětí.

Vital mushrooms are a great helper

The last tool I can recommend to support children's immunity is the so-called vital mushrooms. This is a group of mushrooms that contain higher concentrations of active substances called beta-glucans. Vital mushrooms have been known and used for centuries in Chinese medicine for their medicinal properties. The most important vital mushrooms for boosting immunity are Reishi, Cordyceps, Agaricus and Shiitake.




Reishi - Known as the "mushroom of immortality", it strongly stimulates the immune system, has a tropism for Spit, which means it is particularly effective for respiratory problems.

Cordyceps - Valued for its ability to strengthen the Kidneys and Lungs, it is considered a natural antibiotic that destroys pathogenic microorganisms. 

Agaricus - very strongly stimulates immune cells to higher activity and is excellent for supporting immunity, especially in times of impending infections.

Shiitake - very effective in supporting immunity and strengthening the Spleen, suitable for recurrent respiratory infections.

What do I recommend to support immunity?

Dragon syrup

Composition: cordyceps, reishi, echinacea, acerola (natural source of vitamin C).

Effects: Probably the best-selling immune support syrup in the country. It supports the immune system, supports the Lungs and Kidneys, and contains natural vitamin C, which boosts overall immunity.

Dosage: Ideal for young children up to 4-5 years old who cannot swallow capsules.



Composition: cordyceps, reishi, agaricus, shiitake, acerola (natural source of vitamin C).

Effects: It strongly supports the immune system, improves digestion and helps fight viruses and bacteria.

Dosage: Suitable for older children and adults, dosage is adapted to age and health condition.



Composition: agaricus, shiitake, reishi, cordyceps, echinacea, acerola and blanched valerian.

Effects: Strengthens overall immunity, supports the proper function of the Spleen, Lungs and Kidneys.

Dosage: Suitable for older children and adults, the dosage is adapted to age and health condition. It is recommended to take regularly, ideally during periods of increased incidence of illness.

What do I recommend in the acute phase of the disease?

The above mushroom products support the immune system - they have a preventive effect. If your child suffers an acute infection, I usually discontinue these products and use either MycoMedica Children's Syrups or YaoMedica Herbal Tinctures depending on the child's condition. Here, it is important to accurately diagnose your child's condition and choose the appropriate syrup or tincture accordingly. Even a common cold can change over a short period of time and it is good to use a different herbal recipe at each stage. If you are unsure, use the Advice Line at Or look here.

You can't have one without the other

Strengthening immunity in children with the help of traditional Chinese medicine is a complex process that involves the use of vital mushrooms, proper diet and a healthy lifestyle. Vital mushrooms such as Reishi, Cordyceps, Agaricus and Shiitake are an effective way to boost a child's immunity. But first and foremost, adjusting the child's diet, getting enough exercise, sleep and rest is essential.

Good news at the end

It is usually much easier and quicker to get rid of difficulties in children than in adults. Illnesses in children come on quickly, but they usually go away quickly. And because the organs and energy pathways in children are not yet fully developed, they are also "simpler" and so eliminating a pathogen from the body or moving blocked Qi energy is much easier.

Author: Milan Schirlo, traditional Chinese medicine therapist

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