077 - Fresh Breeze (Zhi Bai Di Huang Wan)

Categories: gynecology, sexuality, fertility, psyche, nerves, insomnia, senses, musculoskeletal system, joints, urology, prevention, anti-aging, liver system, kidney system.

Use of the recipe according to traditional Chinese medicine:

-nourishes Yin Kidney

-nourishes Yin and Liver blood

-purifies heat from emptiness

-releases the fire from the emptiness of Yin shooting upwards


A blend that has roots in the 16th century, this is a basic recipe for purifying the empty heat to fire that surges upward and causes symptoms such as tidal heat - hot flashes and sweating, especially in the afternoon and evening (or night), "five hearts" heat - in the chest, palms of the hands and soles of the feet, thirst, dry mouth and dry mucous membranes. The heat also bothers the heart, which will manifest itself in palpitations and, on a psychological level, in inner restlessness to anxiety and insomnia. Surely you have already recognized perimenopausal problems in this, but it is also used in the treatment of hypertension (which often appears in this period), thyroid hyperfunction or rheumatoid arthritis. Such is used in the treatment of urinary problems or back pain corresponding to Yin Kidney insufficiency with empty heat. How does it occur? As we live, we gradually "chew away" our life essence, depleting the Yin Kidney. There is less of that which moistens, cools and nourishes. Thus, Yang energy becomes relatively predominant in the body. And this is just "empty" hotness - hotness from Yin deficiency. Hence the relative overheating and drying out of the organism.

The blend is a variation of Liu Wei Di Huang Wan's Six Flavor Balls, a basic recipe for replenishing the Yin of Kidney and Liver, augmented with anemarhen and cork. Together they can clear the empty heat and "top up the water". So we refill and cool at the same time.


-hot flashes and sweating associated with menopause

-emotional instability and irritability

-night sweats

-drying of mucous membranes

-feeling of thirst (especially in the evening)

-thin, flushed cheeks

-redness of the eyes


-feeling of increased temperature

-hotness of the five hearts (feet, hands and chest)

-feeling of "hot bones"



-distractedness, mental unsteadiness

-frequent erotic dreams in men, "wet" dreams

-increased sexual desire

Modern Uses:

-hypertension - high blood pressure

-thyroid hyperfunction

-nephrotic syndrome

-nocturnal pollutions in men

-menstrual cycle disorders

-fertility problems





-without coating or with a small amount of dry coating



-xi (fast, fine)

-event fu (superficial) at proximal position


-contraindicated in people with Yang insufficiency

-caution in people with Spleen insufficiency and digestive problems, especially if they have a greasy white coating on their tongue


Because "a narrow path leads to the Kidneys", replenishing them takes time. You should feel better in a matter of weeks, but it takes months to "tune up" the Yin and Yang in the Kidneys.

Recipe ingredients:






Di Huang

rehmannia sticky, untreated root

Rad. rehmaniae preparata

Shan Zhu Yu

medicinal dogwood fruit

Fruc. corni


Shan Yao

Chinese yam, tuber

Tub. dioscoreae oppositae

Mu Dan Pi

peony, root bark

Cort. moutan radicis

Fu Ling

poria coconut, sclerotium

Skler. poriae


Ze Xie

Oriental frogweed, rhizome

Rhiz. alismatis


Zhi Mu

Anemarhena asphodella, rhizome



Huang Bai

Amur cork tree, bark

Cort. phellodendri