062 - Light Breath (Ke Chuan Pian + Ku Shen)

Category:Respiration, acute infestation, hidden pathogen, Plic system.

The use of the recipe according to traditional Chinese medicine:

-promotes free flow of lung Qi

-stops coughing and wheezing

-opens the airways and relaxes breathing

-transforms mucus


The Ke Chuan Pian recipe is traditionally used to relax the airways - and this is when cold winds invade, manifesting as coughing, shortness of breath and wheezing. At the same time, the typical 'cold' congestion is present, where the phlegm is thin, transparent and more abundant. The patient cannot breathe properly, often feels short of breath, and wheezes. Why does this happen? The cold pollutant enters the Lung system where it blocks the free flow of Qi. In the proper Qi cycle, the Qi in the lungs flows downwards. But when it cannot flow freely (because of the blockage by the external noxious substance), it gets into a "counter-motion", rises - and we cough, and because the mucus formed and the noxious substance itself impede it - we wheeze. In addition, a weakened Spleen, often from poor dietary habits (too much uncooked and cold food, too many dairy products in the diet) can contribute to the production of phlegm. The blend, in addition to the herbs that relax the Lungs, de-coarsen them, restore the proper Qi mechanism and stop coughing and shortness of breath, also contains Ku Shen, which has an empirical anti-allergic, naturally antihistamine effect. This is also why the blend is very useful in atopic/allergic terrain, for example, in the aggravation of cold type asthma. It can be recognised by a clear reaction to cold and a large amount of thin mucus.


-shortness of breath




-excessive salivation

-feeling of heaviness in the chest

-chills and shivering

Modern effects:

-colds and respiratory infections in the cold season


-chronic bronchitis


-white coating

-often moist


-hua (slippery)


-presence of signs of heat and hot mucus (they are yellowish, green, thick, more difficult to cough up)


The blend does not contain herbs to replenish Qi. Therefore, once the congestion has subsided and breathing has eased, the mixture should be given to strengthen the Lungs.

Recipe Ingredients:

Adapted from




Jie Geng

Platycodon grandiflorum, root

Rad. platycodi

Bai Qian

tolita, root

Rad. cynanchi atrati

Qian Hu

Cynanotis, root

Rad. peucedani


Bai Bu

Stemonium tuberous, root

Rad. stemonae

Jing Jie

Schizonepeta fine-leaved, stem

Herb. schizonepetae


Ban Xia

trifoliate pinellas, rhizome

Rhiz. pinelliae

Bei Mu

Thunberg's yarrow - bulb

Bulb. fritillariae cirrhosae

Fang Feng

Ledebouriella decomposita, root

Rad. ledebouriellae


Sang Bai Pi

White mullein, root bark

Cort. radicis mori

Bai Guo

Gingko, seed

Fructus chaenomelis

Su Zi

perilla, seed

Sem. perillae

Ting Li Zi

Sem. lepidii