061 - Obsessive Monkey (An Shen Wan Jia Wei)

Category:Psyche, nerves, insomnia, musculoskeletal system, joints, Spleen system, Heart system.

Use of the recipe according to traditional Chinese medicine:

-harmonization of the psyche - imperial soul Shen

-harmonizes and connects the Heart and Kidneys

-replenishes Qi and Blood

-nourishes Yin

-strengthens the center


This is one of the modern variations of the classic An Shen Wan aimed at calming the spirit by cleansing the heat and nourishing the Yin and Blood. The functions of the blend have remained the same, we have just refined and balanced the formula to make it optimal for use with babies.

What does An Shen's function of calming the spirit mean in Chinese medicine? This can be achieved in two ways. Either by using heavy products to "push the spirit down", settle it - and thus calm it, or by using nutrition. The spirit is often restless precisely because it is starving, because it is not getting nourishment. Why? Children with hyperactivity and attention deficit disorder are extremely lively; something makes them move, talk, scream all the time; they can appear messy, forgetful and hasty. They are often reprimanded, and not only at school. They are impulsive to the point of being "out of control"... What causes this condition? The body is also hot. It may be a remnant of Tai Re, the so-called fetal heat, or it may be the result of an improper transition to an adult diet, or it may be a residual heat after infections or vaccinations. This heat both depletes the vital substances and forces the spirit of Shen to be more and more active. In addition, the heat encourages the production of mucus, which makes it impossible for the spirit to orient itself properly - the "clear openings" are "clogged". And so the vicious circle closes. Cognitive functions seem worse than they really are and the child receives the unpleasant "label" of an ADHD diagnosis and problematic.

Our formula gently cleanses and replenishes the right nutrition. This will calm the spirit. In addition, the combination of ginseng, poria and polygal helps to "describe the board" with the right information, builds inner order and creates new habits. The combination of ginseng, atractylus, poria and licorice strengthens the center of the body and prevents mucus production. The heart is also anchored by strengthening the lower pole of the Qi mechanism - the Kidneys (we strengthen their essence and Qi).

The child calms down, is able to concentrate much better, and therefore begins to enjoy activities that he/she was previously "not obsessed" with - and a stone falls from the Heart for parents and teachers. The mixture therefore calms the spirit of those around...


-lack of concentration


-inappropriate activity - physical or vocal

-loss of attention

-short-term memory impairment

-learning disabilities

-easily distractible


-explosiveness, volatility

-aggressive behaviour

Modern Uses:


-ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)


-may be paler or redder

-by representation of hotness


-shu (fast)


-large representation of heat, it is necessary to supplement the mixture even more purifying heat


The length of administration depends on the degree of blood and Yin deficiency - supplement over a period of weeks to months.

Recipe Ingredients:





Sheng Shai

Ren Shen

Ginseng, root

Rad. ginseng


Di Huang

rehmannia sticky, modified root

Rad. rehmaniae preparata

Fu Shen

poria coconut, fruit with root

Scler. paradicis poriae cocos


Yuan Zhi

Polygal, root

Rad. polygalae tenuifoliae

Shi Chang Pu

Grass-leaved buckthorn, rhizome

Rhiz. acori


Bai Zhu

Atractylus grandiflora, rhizome

Rhiz. atractylodis


Shan Yao

Chinese yam, tuber

Tub. dioscoreae oppositae

Mai Men Dong

ofiopogon japonica, root

Rad. ophiopogonis


Gan Cao

Licorice, root

Rad. glycyrrhizae

Long Yan Rou


Arillus longan


Bai Shao

Milkweed, root

Rad. paeoniae alba