039 - Heavenly Empress (Tian Wang Bu Xin Dan)

Categories: gynecology, sexuality, fertility, psyche, nerves, insomnia, fatigue, urology, skin, metabolism, Heart and blood vessels, detox, Kidney system, Heart system.

Recipe use according to traditional Chinese medicine:

-nourishes the Yin Heart and Kidney

-improves communication between the Heart and Kidneys

-replenishes the blood of the Heart

-cools the heat from the deficiency of yin substances

-calms the spirit of Shen


A classic blend of traditional Chinese medicine, said to have been revealed to the author (in the 16th century) by the Heavenly Emperor once in a dream... It is formulated to address the lack of nourishment of the Heart and Kidneys when Yin and Blood are deficient. A deficiency of Yin substances can lead to increased activity of Yang, which loses its root in Yin and rises upward in the form of empty heat, where it harasses the Shen soul and leads to symptoms such as irritability or, conversely, regret, Heart palpitations with anxiety, night sweats on the chest, possibly hot flashes, insomnia and memory problems. On the other hand, lack of nutrition, which is the responsibility of the Yin substances, can lead to fatigue, both mental and consequently physical. These are often conditions associated with menopause in women and andropause in men, when Yin levels in the body naturally decline.
In men, Yin instability can also lead to premature ejaculation or nocturnal seminal discharges.
The body lacks that which cools and moistens, so the resulting empty heat to fire can also manifest as dry mouth or ulcerations on the tongue (the tongue is an organ that belongs to the heart). Patients also suffer from constipation with dry stools.

After the yin substances are replenished and the heat cools down, Shen's soul calms down, concentration, memory and mood improve, and the patient has restful sleep and plenty of energy again.


-Heart palpitations with anxiety, especially at rest, often after lying down to sleep

-restlessness and irritability

-night sweats on chest

-hot flashes

-trouble sleeping, waking up at night, heavy dreams

-mental overwork



-nocturnal seminal discharge in men

-premature ejaculation

-dry throat and mouth

-dry stools, tendency to constipation


-chronic urticaria

Modern Uses:

-ischemic heart disease

-angina pectoris

-viral myocarditis


-increased thyroid function


-emotional instability


-menopausal syndrome


-nocturnal pollutions



-red tip or red whole tongue


-without coating or with a small amount of drier coating






- Themixture contains many heavier tonics which, if used for long periods, may cause indigestion in patients with Stomach or Spleen insufficiency, or aggravate indigestion in patients with tendencies to dampness and mucus production


Avoid: coriander, garlic, radishes, seafood, alcohol while taking the mixture.

Recipe ingredients:






Di Huang

rehmania sticky, untreated root

Rad. rehmaniae preparata

Xuan Shen

Japanese buckthorn, root

Rad. scrophulariae ningpoensis

Mai Men Dong

ofiopogon japonica, root

Rad. ophiopogonis

Tian Men Dong

Chinese asparagus, tuber

Tub. asparagi cochinchinensis

Dang Shen

Hairy flint, root

Rad. codonopsis pilosulae

Fu Ling

poria coconut, sclerotium

Skler. poriae

Bei Sheng

Wu Wei Zi

Chinese klanoprache, fruit

Fruc. schisandrae

Dang Gui

Chinese angelica, root

Rad. angelicae sinensis


Dan Shen

Red-root sage, root

Rad. salviae

Bai zi Ren

Eastern coltsfoot, seed

Sem. biotae orientalis


Suan Zao Ren

jujube thorny, seed