015 - Heavenly Bridge (Jing Fang Er Hao Tang)


Use of recipe according to traditional Chinese medicine:

-breaks up blood stasis in the upper back area

-revives blood

-relaxes and nourishes tendons and ligaments

-clears the Luo (conjunctivae)

-relieves pain


Traditional Chinese medicine teaches that Qi energy flows through the body. It flows in pathways called meridians. Occasionally a pathway becomes blocked and the person perceives this blockage as pain. There are certain places, such as the cervical spine, where the pathways are naturally narrowed, and these areas tend to get blocked more easily. Blockages can be caused by a lot of strain on the affected area, prolonged overuse, injury, working at a computer, etc. Or by the invasion of an external pathogen, which is the cause of a 'frozen shoulder', for example.

The herbs in this blend can release blockages in the cervical spine, neck muscles and shoulders.


-acute upper back pain (cervical spine, trapezius, shoulders)

-chronic upper back pain (cervical spine, trapezius, shoulders)

-stiffness of the cervical spine or upper back

-impaired mobility of the affected area

-inability to turn the head

Modern uses:

-cervicobrachial syndrome

-periarthritis of the shoulder

-bursitis of the shoulder

-tendonitis of the shoulder


-not known

Recipe ingredients:

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Ge Gen

kudzu, root

Rad. puerariae


Bai Shao

Milkweed, root

Rad. Paeoniae Alba


Gan Cao

Licorice, root

Rad. glycyrrhizae


Chuan Xiong

Wallich's nettle

Rhiz. ligustici

Dang Gui

Chinese angelica, root

Rad. angelicae sinensis

Hong Hua


Cart. tinctorius L.

Lu Lu Tong

Chinese ambergris

Fruct. liquidambaris


Dan Shen

Redroot sage

Rad. salviae

Di Gu Pi

Chinese curcurbit, root bark

Cortex radicis lycii

Mu Gua

Ornamental quince

Fructus chaenomelis

Sheng Chuan

Niu Xi


Rad. achyranthis

Qiang Huo

Notopterigium notopterigium, rhizome

Rhiz. notopterygii