012 - Breaking the Blockades (Gui Zhi Fu Ling Wan)

Category: gynecology, sexuality, fertility, urology, liver system.

Use of the recipe according to traditional Chinese medicine:

-revives the blood

-breaks blood stasis

-softens abdominal masses

-relieves fixed pain in the lower abdomen


A traditional herbal blend from one of the most famous traditional Chinese medicine practitioners, Zhang Zhong Jing.

Gui Zhi Fu Ling Wan blend breaks up blockages in the lower abdomen. Due to excessive coldness in the lower abdomen or due to mental stress, the circulation of Qi and blood in the lower abdomen slows down and later becomes blocked. Later on these energy blockages start to materialize gradually and fibroids, cysts, polyps, endometriosis etc. are formed.


-lower abdominal pain (often sharp, fixed).

-uterine fibroids

-ovarian cysts

-painful menstruation

-dark menstrual blood with many blood clots


-PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome)

-chronic inflammation of the uterus and small pelvis

-cervical erosion

-enlarged prostate


-harmonization of the gynecological area after a miscarriage

-inflammation of the veins of the lower limbs

-fertility problems in men and women

Modern Uses:

-uterine fibroids

-ovarian cysts




-polycystic ovaries


-lochia retention

-uterine fibroids

-fetal instability

-prostatic hypertrophy

-male and female infertility

-premenstrual syndrome




-oily surface






The mixture is suitable for use in pregnancy (poor fetal nutrition due to blood stasis), however, use with extreme caution during pregnancy (certainly not on the basis of self-diagnosis, only under the supervision of a therapist).

Due to the high dose of cinnamon twigs, I do not recommend for people who are too hot-tempered.


Liver stagnation from emotions and stresses is often the primary cause of masses in the lower abdomen. Therefore, Gui Zhi Fu Ling Wan is combined or rather replaced later (after the material formations are broken) with Xiao Yao Wan.

Ingredients of the recipe:





Gui Zhi

Chinese cinnamon tree, twig

Ram. cinnamomi

Fu Ling

poria coconut, sclerotium

Sclerotium poriae

Mu Dan Pi

peony, root bark

Cort. moutan radicis

Tao Ren


Semen persicae

Chi Shao

Peony, white-flowered, root

Rad. paeoniae rubra


Bai Shao

Milk peony, root

Rad. paeoniae alba