011 - Rumbling mountains

Categories: respiration, acute infestation, hidden pathogen, detox, Lung system, immunity.

The use of the recipe according to traditional Chinese medicine:

-stops coughing

-transforms and expels hot phlegm

-expels hot wind

-cleanses the heat in the Plices

-removes hot toxin

-moisturizes the Lungs

-benefits the throat and restores the voice


A very complex mixture useful in acute and chronic conditions caused by the noxious hotness associated with coughing. It can be used in the early stages of wind-heat infestations (for example, in the case of rapidly spreading viruses in spring and autumn), especially when associated with sore throat and difficulty with the voice, even loss of voice. When we have not been able to stop the penetration of the pollutant "on the surface" and it has entered the Lungs, the formula is very effective in clearing the heat from the Lungs and preventing the formation of the fiery toxin that can manifest itself in Lung inflammation or the formation of a Lung abscess. This is greatly aided by its ability to clear hot mucus, which manifests as coughing up yellow to green mucus. Significantly, it does this without drying out the Lungs. On the contrary, it contains herbs that moisten the Lungs and prevent them from being dried out by the heat present. She Mu Tang is also very useful in healing coughs and vocal cords after acute upper respiratory illnesses, as it restores the proper Qi mechanism at the Lung level and purifies residual heat and phlegm. For this reason, we can use it advantageously in the treatment of chronic cough and voice problems in smokers.


-acute cough in the early stages of infection

-sore throat in the early stages of infection

-productive cough with coughing up yellow mucus

-chronic cough with a small amount of thick mucus

-smoker's cough

-bronchitis or pneumonia

-difficulty with the voice, even loss of voice

-feeling that "something is wrong" with the vocal cords

Modern Uses:

-anti-inflammatory action in the upper respiratory tract

-especially bronchitis

-pneumonia or pleurisy

-antiviral action

-smoking bronchitis

-vocal cord problems


-by prevailing image


-by prevailing image


-attack of cold wind in its initial phase without the presence of heat


Although the mixture moistens the Lungs and stops coughing by transforming mucus and modifying lung function, it does not contain complementary herbs. Therefore, for longer lasting coughs, it may also be necessary to strengthen the Qi and Yin in the upper radiant area.

Recipe Ingredients:





Ban Lan Gen


Rad. isatidis

She Gan

Chinese angelica, rhizome

Rhiz. belamcandae


Bei Mu


Bulb. fritillariae cirrhosae

Gua Lou

Cyril's hair flower, seed

Sem. trichosanthis

Qian Hu

Coltsfoot, flower

Rad. peucedani


Huang Qin

Baikal coneflower, root

Rad. scutellariae

Bai Bu

Stemona tuberous, root

Stemonae radix

Xing Ren

apricot seed

Sem. armeniacae

Qing Pi

mandarin, unripe peel

Peric. citri reticulatae viride


Gan Cao

Licorice, root

Rad. glycyrrhizae

Sang Bai Pi

White mullein root bark

Cort. radicis mori

Jie Geng

Platycodon major, root

Rad. platycodi

Pang Da Hai


Sterculia lychnophora

Mu Hu Die

tree butterfly, seed